Read an excerpt from “Teddy’s Road,” a short story in the anthology, On the Road Again by Byron Grush On the Road Again Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin: The Twin Ports. At the end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, this is the largest inland freshwater port in North America. Iron ore from the Marquette Range in Michigan, the Vermilion Range in Minnesota, and the Mesabi Range near Mountain Iron, Minnesota will be shipped from here to mills in Detroit and Cleveland. The season lasts only ten months; soon ice will cover most of Lake Superior and ice-breakers will be needed to keep commerce floating as long as possible. Shipped by rail to Duluth, iron ore, coal, wheat, and lumber will be loaded onto freighters from dozens of long piers at the Twin Ports. Like slender fingers extending out into the harbor, the long piers can accommodate the monster ships: thousand-footers, whalebacks, lakers, and salties. Tall metal structures straddle the piers: cranes which run on elevated tr...